The unincorporated community of Vineland, Ontario, sits within the Town of Lincoln in Canada’s Niagara Region, between Jordan and Beamsville. It covers a small land area of less than three square kilometers, home to a modest population of just about 2,800 people.
First settled around 1786, Vineland today operates mainly as an agricultural community with many fruit farms, roadside stands and wineries. As the second-largest section of Lincoln, Vineland serves a number of surrounding areas with its small commercial center along King Street. Vineland’s First Mennonite Church, organized in 1801, stands as the oldest Mennonite congregation in Canada. The community is also known for hosting a large, annual craft fair on Canada’s Thanksgiving weekend.
Boyd Automotive & Tire has been meeting the auto repair needs of Vineland drivers since 2002, as a family-owned shop with a focus on accuracy. From diagnosis to completion, we adhere to high standards of quality every step of the way. We expect to be held accountable for what we do, and we want all our Vineland customers to know they matter to us. The team at Boyd Automotive & Tire works together to deliver outstanding workmanship, serving Vineland yesterday, today and tomorrow!